Simplify patient experience and automate workflow with a global health IT leader.
Online scheduling, eligibility and administration; inventory management, visit documentation, registry reporting and billing.
Enabling healthcare organizations to efficiently manage patient registration, rapid testing, outreach, scheduling, administration, billing, registry reporting and outcomes monitoring.
We're dedicated to making healthcare organizations as efficient and effective as possible with a vaccine management system integrated with the care management system. We empower them with technology, so they can deliver on the promise of high-quality care while saving time for their staff members in a safe environment.
The vaccine scheduling system is quite flexible. The system lets people book appointments for themselves online and includes billing automation, greatly reducing the burden of data entry.
Ryan McGhee
Chief Technology Officer
Cabarrus Health Alliance
Our highly trained consultant are ready to help.
Call: +1 866 643 8367
We care what our customers think of us and so should you.
Chief Technology Officer
Cabarrus Health Alliance, North Carolina
The Vaccine Management System is fast and quite flexible. The system lets people book appointments online and provides billing and inventory automation. One click note documentation helps us manage vaccine administration at scale, greatly reducing the burden of data entry.
Nursing Manager
Andrew County Health Department, Missouri
Our Public Health friends in Missouri will be beating down CureMD's door when we share with them how CureMD’s software has made our lives easier! Our patients and staff love the system and support.
Administrator / Public Health Officer
City Cowley County Health Department, Kansas
CureMD is awesome! The system is working very well for us and support has been fantastic and responsive.
It's completely automated, so with 4 simple clicks we can administer a vaccine shot in a minute! Our patients
like it because the process is quick and efficient - they aren't sitting around filling out forms. Plus, it eliminates the need for our staff to document anything manually. The online scheduler captures all the demographic
information we need for reporting and because its cloud hosted, we can take it with us to any site.
Finance Controller
Kit Carson Department of Health, Colorado
CureMD's system for COVID vaccines has been a lifesaver for our county. CureMD has provided a platform to not only outreach patients, administer vaccine and manage inventory but also track outcomes.